Tuesday, April 2, 2019


This week, we were tasked to design an infographic for class for one of the panels that presented at ONU's Social Media Workshop. For this assignment, I decided to do the Dublin Irish Festival. I thought that this assignment was really interesting, especially since I have never created an infographic before. One thing that I found myself really focusing on was the design and layout. I spent hours trying to arrange everything and get it to a point where I thought that it looked good. Since this was for an Irish festival, I decided to use the same color scheme as Ireland's flag. I think this really worked well because the colors were easy to match and were manageable.

I tried to make the image as eye-catching as I could while also using the shapes and colors to draw the viewers' attention to where I wanted them to look. For example, I used the triangle in an attempt to trick the eyes into flowing down to look at the other businesses and companies that had sponsored the Dublin Irish Festival. I made sure to incorporate some of the larger brands that people would recognize. I didn't want everything to just blend into the background, so I also tried to use white to help make things pop out of the green a little bit more. While creating this image, I learned that infographics take a lot longer to make than I thought they would! It may have just been me because I fussed over the design, but it took me a few hours to get it to look the I wanted it to.


  1. Your infographic looks nice! I spent a lot of time on the design of mine as well. I also think the process took a lot longer than I would have originally thought.

  2. I really like the design of your infographic it looks like you put a lot of work into it and it definitely paid off. I think it was a great choice to do an infographic on the Dublin Irish Festival because I though that was one of the most entertaining things covered during the Social Media Workshop

  3. Well written. I really looking for these kinds of posts for a long time. Thank you for sharing with us.
