Monday, April 15, 2019

Holidays with Kids

Image result for easter

This last weekend, my family had our cousins and their kids over for a cookout. My cousins, Keith and Ryan, have two kids named Lucy and Annie. Lucy is 4 years old and Annie is 7 months old. Since Easter was only a week away, we decided that we would hide eggs for Lucy to find around the house. This was so exciting for us because the youngest in our family is currently my step sister, who is 15 years old. That means we've gone a long time without Santa, the Tooth-fairy, or the Easter Bunny. While holidays are still really enjoyable, there is something about having little kids that still believes around that make the holiday that much better. I was so excited to go home Sunday and see Lucy's reaction to the Easter Bunny visiting the house. I got to fill up a bunch of eggs up with candy and hide them around for her. She was so excited to go egg hunting and it made the day that much more enjoyable!

I really enjoy spending the holidays with my family, but we don't have any little kids anymore. When we go to the larger family events, there are plenty of children around, but we tend to only go to those for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We still miss out on Halloween and Easter. What do you guys think? Do any of you have younger siblings who still believe? Are holidays less exciting without little ones?


  1. I love having little ones around on the holidays. We haven't had much in my family as my youngest cousin is now 15. My grandma still makes us all find eggs, though! I guess we just won't grow up to her.

  2. Awe this is super fun, I'm glad your family was able to do something like this for your cousins! I have a 6 year old sister and a 13 year old sister, so all of the holidays are still full flown events at my house! It's gonna be sad when the day comes that Santa and Easter Bunny aren't around anymore!

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