Saturday, April 27, 2019

End of Spring Semester

Image result for finals week

As we all know, the semester is slowly coming to an end. Many of you are probably working on final projects or studying for final exams. As a creative writing major, I always find myself working on a lot of final projects. I usually either have papers, presentations, or writing workshops to turn in by the end of the year. With so many classes, this can start to add up, but I love doing final projects. I think they can be just as stressful as exams, but there is a lot more creative freedom when it comes to them, which is something I really enjoy.

One project I enjoyed working on was my presentation for my video games in society class. For this class, we were given two options for our final projects. We could either do a research project and present our findings, or we could do a creative project that related to the class material. I decided to do a creative project because it sounded a lot more fun. I had to create a piece of fan fiction based off of a video game and present the creative process behind it to the class. As a creative writing major, I found this much more enjoyable than the idea of doing a research project. I find that it's easier to speak to people when you're talking about something you love to do. Our presentation at to be ten minutes long, and I used up every last second. I hope you guys don't get too stressed these last couple of weeks. We're almost done!


  1. I have never heard of the video games in society course before! I kind of wish that I had. Maybe I would learn to understand the hype around them? Good luck on whatever comes after this semester!

  2. What an exciting class to take. I hope you've enjoyed your semester and good luck on final exams!

  3. The end of a semester always calls for celebrating! I'm glad you enjoyed your video game class. Have a great summer!
