Monday, March 11, 2019

New Horse in the Barn!

Our barn became just a little bit bigger over spring break. My step-father, Kevin, has been looking for a new horse that he could ride in competitions. After some looking, we were lucky enough to come across this beautiful grey. He is currently four years old, but he is not yet fully broke. This means that he isn't not completely trained when it comes to riding. Since he is so new, he hasn't yet acquired a barn name, though we are thinking of calling him Steel. We had not seen Steel in person before we purchased him, so once he was brought home we had to see what his temperament was like as well as see how he would ride. We learned pretty quickly that he was a big sweetheart. He loves to have his face pet and he is as calm as can be. Much calmer than some of our other young horses!
When it came to riding, he did pretty well too! It was clear that he wasn't fully trained, but he proved to be a horse that we could work with. With a little bit of time and training, he could become a good competition horse. He has long strides and does a good job listening to the rider. We put him through some tests like in the picture shown above. We took him to an indoor arena where we had him try to step up onto a few little platforms. This was just to try and see if he would listen or if he was skittish around new things. Another test we did was we tried walking him through a shredded-up tarp. The sound the tarp makes and the feel of it can be scary to a young horse, but Steel managed to walk through it with a little bit of work. I am excited to see how he does over the next couple of months or so!


  1. This is so awesome! Steel has such a pretty coloring as well! I hope he gets trained quickly, and I'm excited to hear you had a good break!

  2. Sounds like you had an exciting time! I know that people can spend a lot of time training and riding their horses but it pays off in the end. I hope Steel continues to do well and best of luck in future competitions!

  3. This is awesome! I have always been fascinated with horses and the different competitions they can be in. Steel is gorgeous!
