Saturday, March 23, 2019

Accepted Students Day

Today, Ohio Northern University had its Accepted Student's Day on campus. This is an event where all incoming freshmen who have already been accepted for the fall semester come and spend the day at ONU. They get tours of the campus, they can put down their deposits, they get served lunch, and they get to see some of the student organizations that ONU has to offer.

This year, Mock Trial was able to have a booth at the event. Myself and two other members of the team went to go meet some new students so that we could potentially recruit them for Mock Trial this year. Unfortunately, due to a mix up that happened last year, Mock Trial was unable to have a booth at Accepted Student's Day and Welcome Fest. Since we didn't have any booths, we struggled to recruit new members. By the time the season had ended, we only had six members on the team, which was the minimum we needed to compete. We met a lot of great students today and hopefully sparked some interest in our club. Our goal this year is to triple our numbers to we can have two full teams for competitions. Hopefully we'll get some people to sign up at Welcome Fest this fall!


  1. Wow that seems like so much fun! I remember going to accepted students day my senior year and it was overwhelming, but definitely a lot of fun! I'm glad you were able to be apart of it this year!

  2. I remember Accepted Students day my senior year. It was so much fun and I met so many people. I hope you get some more students in the fall!
