Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Last Light of the Sun

Over spring break, I had to read "The Last Light of the Sun" for one of my English classes. As an English major, I have to read a lot. However, I haven't read for pleasure in a really long time. Not since middle school. I always find it hard to find a new book to start and, on top of that, I was always assigned books to read throughout high school. When I got to college, I was overloaded with books, short stories, and poems I had to read for my classes. For example, I have nine books that I had to rent for my Literature in Medicine class alone. With so much reading, I found myself spending a lot of time reading through chapters and writing responses for my classes. After I read all the chapters and stories I was required to read, I was completely burnt out. I didn't want to read something else for fun after I had just been forced to read several chapters or stories for school.

I don't hate most of what I read, but I'm not always overjoyed with the selections either. However, I really loved this particular book. "The Last Light of the Sun" reminded me of the "Game of Thrones" series. The characters are all very well written and the plot captures your interest from start to finish. There are numerous characters that you follow through the story. Each one has their own baggage and issues that drive them forwards until multiple paths begin to intertwine. While it is a long book, nearly 500 pages, I found myself easily cruising through it alongside my favorite characters. If you guys are ever looking for a good book to read, I would highly suggest this one!

1 comment:

  1. That's so awesome! I'm glad you found a book that you enjoy! Now that I think about it, I don't think I've read a book that I have truly enjoyed in a while either! Maybe I'll check this one out!
