Thursday, February 28, 2019

Spring Break Hustle

Spring break 2019 is quickly approaching, and not a moment too soon. If you're a college student like myself, you're likely feeling pretty overwhelmed with papers, projects, and exams. The week before spring break is typically an uphill battle, with relief only coming after the last class on Friday. However, some students may find themselves with projects they have to do over break, whether it be extensions on papers, upcoming projects, or books that they need to read for when they return.

While some of you guys may wait till the last minute to finish up any homework you have, I would encourage you to get it done as soon as possible. I know that one of my classes offered an extension on a paper that we have due before break. While it may be tempting to take the extension so that you can lighten your load for the week, I would advise you not to do so. I think it's safe to say that most of us tend to procrastinate quite a bit. If you really are swamped and need the extension, then feel free to take it! However, you should really ask yourself some important questions before you do...

  • Do I really need extra time to complete this assignment? 
  • Is this extra time going to allow me to improve my assignment? 
  • Am I gonna be motivated enough to finish it when spring break rolls around? 

If you answered 'no' for any of these questions, then I would suggest pushing through and getting them done before break. You'll thank yourself for doing it later! Hopefully you guys don't have too much to finish up this week! Good luck and have a great break!


  1. This is very true. I am writing my blogs over break and I am not very motivated. I wish I would have just buckled down and done it sooner!

  2. I have so much work to do during break and I'm not super motivated, but I'm also going to use this week to try and get ahead in my other classes! I hope it works out! Have a good break!

  3. I am excited that break is here and we do not have classes, but I need to use this time to get stuff done! It is really tempting to just relax and hang out with my friends and family, although my first few days of break have been busy. I have some down-time now and I should really take advantage of it!
