Tuesday, October 27, 2020

My Last Semester in PR and Social Media

I started this blog over a year ago as a requirement for one of my social media classes. We were required to post to our blogs three times a week for the whole spring semester. It was a lot of work, but it was fun in the end. I then never touched my blog until this semester when I started social media strategy and campaign. We were required to post one blog and blog comment a week, which was much more manageable. However, after my social media strategy and campaign class is over this semester, I will have completed both my public relations and social media minors. This means I won't be taking any of those courses in the spring. Instead, I will be finishing my creative writing major by taking my remaining English courses. I am excited that I still have another semester, but I am sad that I will no longer be taking any Aggie classes. 

Public relations and social media have allowed me to meet a lot of amazing people. It helped expand my circle of peers and friends. I was able to meet people whose personalities greatly differed from what I was used to in the English department. It helped me to broaden my horizons and think differently when I was faced with problems. It allowed me to take a break from English and better myself more as a person, where English helped to better me as a writer. I will miss all my public relations and social media classmates I have come know and who I have had panic attacks with on numerous occasions. I hope I will be able to see them around campus in the spring. 

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