Monday, October 12, 2020

Adulting: Applying for Jobs

I have recently gotten back into the habit of applying for jobs. Since I am a senior this year, I no longer have the safety net of returning to college. No longer will I be applying for summer internships or summer jobs where I am only expected to work for three months before coming back to school. I am now on my way to finding a job that will hopefully sustain me after I graduate from Ohio Northern. I am excited to start this journey but also terrified. Not to mention I'm extremely stressed. Job hunting means resumes, cover letters, and portfolios. It also means my imposter syndrome is coming back in full swing. Another thing that is making me nervous is the COVID-19 situation. I am not sure how many places are hiring right now since our economy isn't doing so well. I'm afraid that it might take me a while to find a job.

My dream job is to become a narrative designer in the video game industry. However, I'm aware that this is a position I will likely have to work towards after acquiring a few years of experience. With that in mind, I am not entirely sure what I want to go into immediately after I graduate. I am preparing to accept any job that is willing to take me just so I can get some experience and start making some money. I am a creative writing major and a public relations/social media minor, so I am happy that I at least have a lot of options. I have been searching through Indeed for jobs that are in my major and minors and I am excited at all of the options I have available to me. I will have to see if anything sticks. Hopefully I will get lucky and find a job before Christmas. If not, then my hunt continues! Wish me luck!

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