Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Day

I have been mentally preparing myself for this day for weeks, but I still feel completely unprepared and stressed out. The candidates are crazy, the people are crazier, the country is on lockdown, and finals are starting soon. I have most of my class projects due either this week or next week, and I am struggling to force myself to get them all done. I have school stress, pandemic stress, and now I have election stress. While I don't think anything crazy will happen in Ada, I know some areas are preparing themselves for riots and protests. Regardless of who gets elected, I think there will be riots and protests no matter what. Both sides have crazy radicals on either side. To make matters worse, we are in a terrible pandemic where we are supposed to be social distancing, but cases are spiking, especially in Ohio. I think we will be forced to stay away from each other on holidays this year, which really is upsetting. But first I have to survive my finals. 

If this blog post seems chaotic, then it is an accurate reflection of my current mental state. My mind is fried, I'm jumping from project to project, and there are two major external factors making things harder and harder. I am ready for this semester to finish. More importantly, I am ready for this whole year to finish. It's all just been one big thing after another. I just want a break. Weekends don't feel like weekends because we're all just trying to finish our work. No one is getting any day off. 

I know everything will be OK in the end, but it's getting there that is the issue. I know that if I just push through this week, everything will be alright. I hope everyone's week is going alright. We're almost halfway. 

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