Tuesday, September 29, 2020

College Burnout

This year, the world has been struggling to deal with the coronavirus. The United States has been struggling to handle it for over six months, managing to become the country with the most cases. While many places have been closing down, colleges have been desperate to open up. Without students, colleges wouldn't be able to survive, so they are trying to open as normally as possible in order to draw in as many students as they can. Some colleges are strictly online this semester while others stuck with in person classes. 

Ohio Northern University has pushed to have its students on campus, and they want to keep their students on campus for the whole semester if possible. As of right now, they are doing a good job at keeping any cases contained and keeping the virus from spreading on campus. One of the things Ohio Northern University has done to stay ahead of COVID-19 is bring its students in two weeks early. By bringing the students in early, finals will be over by the time we leave for Thanksgiving, meaning students won't return to campus after Thanksgiving break. Another thing they had done is eliminate all breaks, such as fall break. While I am very excited to be having a full fall semester in person, I am starting to suffer from burnout. We have been going nonstop for the past several weeks, and I feel that it is starting to catch up with me. While I was highly motivated in the beginning, I am starting to see myself become less and less motivated to get my work done. I think the faculty is starting to realize this as well because today we received an email telling us that there would be no spring break in the spring semester. 

However, they were going to be giving us one day off each month, though these days were in the middle of the week so that they wouldn't be giving us a three-day weekend. The reason behind this decision seems to be that they are noticing that students are starting to suffer from burnout. Yet, they don't want to risk there being an outbreak of COVID-19. The university fears that if they give students a break, they will leave campus and possibly contract the virus. Then, when they return, they will spread it to one another rapidly. To prevent this, they are keeping students on campus as much as possible. While I think this is a good idea, I am starting to struggle a bit. I think many other students are as well. Are any of you starting to feel burnt out? Do you have any tips on how to recover? Let me know in the comments. 

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