Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Adulting: Creating Lasting Relationships


College can be stressful, but it can also present you with multiple opportunities to grow both personally and professionally. Being in college allows you to forge lasting friendships and relationships, but it is important to know the difference between a friend and a classmate. I have seen lots of people come into college and hit the ground running. They try to get to know everyone and forge relationships with people who have power or authority. While getting to know people is important, people can see when you're not being genuine. They notice you running in between people, even if you don't think they do. Going about college like this will make you plenty of acquaintances, but hardly any true friends. People will see what you're doing for what it is, which is someone who is only interested in progressing themselves. People don't like to be the stool in which you use to stack yourself higher. Furthermore, this tactic never works.

When you enter college, the best thing you can do for yourself is make genuine friends. Hangout with people who have similar interests as you or who are in your major. Be professional to everyone you meet and with your professors. Joining clubs you have an interest in is also important and progressing through that club or organization and getting a position looks good on a resume. However, you don't want to spread yourself to thin. If you join multiple organizations and try to get positions in all of them just because it will look good on a resume, you won't be able to do your jobs properly. For one, you won't enjoy yourself with all the added responsibility. Secondly, you will be doing the bare minimum in order to keep up with everything. Getting a position and doing it right will be far more meaningful than having several positions where you hardly do anything.

I hope any students out there will take this advice seriously. Quality will always beat out quantity. 

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