Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Home Remedy for Migraines

One thing that people don't really know about me is that I suffer from migraines. For me, they started when I was an upperclassman in high school. I had never experienced a migraine up until then, but I have had them ever since. Some people may think that migraines are just really bad headaches, but there is a bit more to it than that. Although, it is important to keep in mind that migraines are different from person to person, this is just me speaking strictly about my own experiences with migraines. For me, I get a really sharp and intense pain in the center of my forehead. It feels like the only way to relieve this pain is by pressing my palm against this spot in the center of my head. However, this pressure offers only a little bit of relief. Once the pain in my head starts to set in, light becomes unbearable. The light becomes so intense, that even the tiny LED on my phone becomes too much for me. Then the nausea begins to set in. My stomach becomes a mess, and I feel like I'm going to need to run to the bathroom at any moment.

There are medications to stop migraines, but I don't have anything that is preventative. If I feel an intense headache coming on, I make sure that I take my migraine medication right away. However, my mom recently discovered a home remedy treatment for migraines that I am very excited to try and share with all of you. For more information, see

The remedy is as follows:

  • 1/4 teaspoons of Himalayan Pink Salt or Celtic Sea Salt
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice 
  • A glass of water (about 8oz)
  • 1 teaspoon of raw honey (optional)

Add salt and lemon juice to the water and stir until completely dissolved. Add honey to sweeten the mixture.

According to the website listed above, you should notice some improvement within a few minutes. I was developing a headache earlier today, so I decided to try this recipe for myself. Since the honey was optional, I decided to try it with and without honey.

The taste itself was very unpleasant. Salty water with lemon did not taste great. I would highly suggest using honey to help sweeten the mixture a bit, though I ended up adding a bit more than what was recommended. Even with the added honey, this was, admittedly, very hard for me to drink. The salt is very overpowering and the lemon does not help like I thought it would. The taste was just too salty. However, I did notice that my headache was going away, even with the few sips I was forcing myself to take.

I was not able to finish my entire glass of water. The taste was simply too much for me. I had to put a drop of honey on my tongue just to get the taste of saltwater out of my mouth. I think I will try putting less salt in the mixture the next time I try it out. I was quite surprised by the results of this remedy, but I only used this treatment on a mild headache. I was not experiencing a migraine at the time.

If any of you end up trying this remedy for yourself, let me know what you think!


  1. I am a pharmacist with several patients that suffer from migraines. They often ask me for natural remedies to try. I will pass this one along. Maybe it will provide some drug free relief. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is such a helpful tip. I love natural remedies vs. drug alternative to relieve migraine pain. I'll totally try this one out.

  3. This is a really interesting and helpful post! I get migraines a few times a year so I will definitely have to try this out!

  4. This is a saving grace for me. I have migraines very frequently. I read this the other day and coincidentally had a migraine the next day. I tried this remedy and it worked so well! Thank you so much for posting this... seriously!
